Get To Know Us

Our story

It all began with a pack of zinnia seeds. I had grown food for about five years when I learned flowers should be interplanted with vegetables. A quick YouTube search led me to a video that claimed I could just throw zinnia seeds on the ground and, “they’d grow anywhere.”

It may not be best practice, but that is exactly what I did. That summer I had bright, punchy flowers all season…and I fell in love. Those zinnia seeds led to a dream that soon became Paideia Farm.

“Hard Work Is Good Work”

— Paideia family motto

About the Farmer

Hi, I’m Lauren, the farmer and owner of Paideia Farm. I love the process of planting tiny seeds and watching them blossom into something beautiful for others to enjoy. When I'm not out in the dirt, I love learning about medicinal herbs, being creative in the kitchen, and spending quality time with family.